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About Jess

Fit 4 Life Fitness – About Jess

A Little About Jess

My mission is to empower people by providing a program to become stronger, healthier and develop a love for exercise as part of the Fit 4 Life community.

After my first son was born I went through postpartum depression. Instead of being perscribed medication, my doctor perscribed daily exercise. I will be forever greatful to this doctor. I signed up with a personal trainer at our local gym and slowly began running. My son was born in November and my goal was to run my first half marathon that August. Training was far from easy, there were days that I definitely wanted to quit but I surrounded myself with people who encouraged me, who became my cheerleaders. Did I run the whole race, No. Did I finish? Yes!!! That experience, those people and how exercise made me feel, was my stepping stone to becoming a long distance runner, fitness lover, fitness instructor, personal training and health coach. As my family began to grow, exercise and my relationships with like-minded people became my stress release and my support group. Those people have become life long friends. My mission is to empower people by providing a program to become stronger, healthier and develop a love for exercise as part of the Fit 4 Life community.

Boot Camps
Health Coaching
Group Classes
Yoga Classes

Passionate Health Coaching and Training